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Learn More about DataWalk

All Your Data Connected In One Place For Instant Access

DataWalk is a graph analytics platform that is ideal for rapidly connecting vast amounts of data from your databases, desktops, and other internal/external data sources into an integrated repository. You can import your data as-is, and then easily transform (“clean”) your data, normalize your data, perform entity resolution, do data discovery, and search the repository. Partner products enable you to import and connect selected data from public records services, social media, the open web, and the darknet. Having all your data connected in one place dramatically reduces the time required to find and prepare data!

Get Instant 360-Degree Views Of Anything

DataWalk presents your connected data via the Universe Viewer, a highly flexible Enterprise Knowledge Graph which provides you with the ability to re-organize data around understandable business objects such us people, places, transactions, and anything else. The knowledge graph is oriented around the relationships and connections between data elements, and thus can inherently provide an instant 360-degree view of any person, organization, event, or anything else.

Cost-Effective Solution Seamlessly Integrates Into Your Enterprise Environment

DataWalk is a collaborative, enterprise-class software platform which can serve as a key component of an enterprise workflow. Users across the organization can realize value whether they are casual users who quickly need to find data or run a report, analysts who need to do sophisticated digital investigations, or leaders who need to view dashboards. DataWalk provides the lineage, audit, granular security, and high availability capabilities appropriate for an enterprise-class system, and is designed to be compliant with key processes and technologies as required by enterprise IT organizations. This all comes at a fraction of the cost of alternative enterprise-class systems.