Solutions for Banks

Dramatically improve your evaluation of risk with a single source of data and analytics that supplements your existing tools.


A Range of Banking Solutions

Break free from the limitations of isolated processes. With DataWalk, you can fully integrate any or all of your AML, KYC, anti-fraud, and financial crime data into one environment that supplements your existing systems. You get a comprehensive and consolidated picture of risk for any entity, streamlining collaboration between financial crime teams, and helping to ensure your regulatory compliance.


Know Your Customer (KYC)

Evolve from conventional KYC to a holistic approach with DataWalk’s supplementary KYC solution. The built-in knowledge graph links data from your internal and external sources to give you a fully contextual view of customer and counterparty profiles, on a single pane of glass. With DataWalk you can quickly adapt to new scenarios and regulations to minimize your compliance risk. Flexible no-code entity resolution enables you to find matches, even across vast amounts of data.

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Fraud Detection

Detect frauds with remarkable accuracy. You can easily create and modify your own rules and scores, including expert rules, graph algorithms, and machine learning models. By tuning rules and scores over time, you can achieve true-positive rates of over 90%. You also can easily identify “clusters” that may represent organized crime groups, and then be alerted when new entities connect to those clusters.

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Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

Protect the investments you’ve already made in existing tools with DataWalk’s supplementary AML solution. This enables you to quickly adapt to new and/or difficult scenarios and provides a comprehensive and consolidated view of risk.

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Financial Crime Investigations

Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your investigations. Obtain immediate access to 360º views of any person, organization, event, transaction, or anything else. You can visualize and analyze transaction flows and hidden connections, and automatically identify and visualize organized crime networks with powerful link analysis capabilities and graph algorithms. You can enrich your data with the automated extraction of open-source intelligence and the integration of key public records services.

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