Management Board


Paweł Wieczyński - CEO

Responsible for the Company's operations and the Commercialization Division. Graduate of Wroclaw University of Technology, specializations: Logistics and Quality Management. Doctor of Economics, graduate of Wroclaw University of Economics. Investor and entrepreneur involved in the past with companies in aviation, IT technology and finance.


Krystian Piećko - Member of the Management Board

Responsible for the activities of the R&D Division and the Company's technological development. Awarded the prestigious title of "Innovator under 35" by MIT Technology Review. Creator of the technology powering the DataWalk analytics platform, he has unique expertise in the area of data management. 


Łukasz Socha - Member of the Management Board

Has over 20 years of professional experience in the field of finance and accounting. He managed financial departments of such companies as UTC Aerospace Systems (CFO), Whirlpool Poland (CFO) and also worked as a consultant at Arthur Andersen (audit department). Łukasz is a graduate of the Wroclaw University of Economics, Faculty of Management and Computer Science, with a specialization in Finance and Banking. He is a certified auditor (statutory no. 10831) and a member of CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants).


Supervisory Board

(Equivalent to Board Of Directors)

Grzegorz Dymek - Member of the Supervisory Board

Investor and entrepreneur. A graduate of the Faculty of Automatics, Electronics, and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He holds an MBA from the Kraków School of Business at the Cracow University of Economics and the Stockholm University School of Business. He is also a Faculty of Film and Television Production Organization graduate at the Lodz Film School. An experienced manager, he has been professionally involved in the IT and telecommunications industries from the beginning of his career. He proved his skills and qualifications by managing IT and telco companies in various senior positions, including General Director, Operations Director, and Technical Director. He is currently a co-owner, board member, and Operations Director at Anshar Studios in Katowice – a company specializing in developing AA games for PC and consoles.


Wojciech Dyszy - Member of the Supervisory Board

Graduate of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wroclaw, majoring in law. Since June 30, 2014, legal advisor registered with the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisors in Wroclaw. Specialist in tax, business and commercial law. Until August 2014, senior tax consultant at the law firm "Musiał and Partners - Tax Advisors" in Wroclaw. From August 2014 to December 2017, a general partner in the law firm "Borkowski&Dyszy Tax&Legal Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Doradców Podatkowych spółka komandytowa". Since 2018, he has been running his own law firm.

Independent member of the Supervisory Board.


Piotr Bindas - Member of the Supervisory Board

Graduate of the Faculty of Finance and Banking at the Warsaw School of Economics. Certified Auditor No. 10809. Specialist in audit and Due Diligence processes. He gained experience in finance at Artur Andersen/EY (audit department) and then at Kurt Iversen Baltic Accountants & Consultants/RSM Poland, where he was responsible for audit and due diligence projects. CFO and Board Member in real estate companies. Experienced in cooperation with Venture Capital funds. Independent Investor.

Independent member of the Supervisory Board.


Rafał Wasilewski - Member of the Supervisory Board 

Rafał Wasilewski holds a higher education degree and graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Wroclaw.

In 2001, he began his own business related to the debt market. From 2004 to 2017, he was the founder and President of the Management Board of M.W. Trade Sp. z o.o. in Wroclaw, which was later transformed into M.W. Trade S.A. and listed on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. From 2018 to 2022, he held a position as a Supervisory Board member of M.W. Trade S.A. Since 2022, Rafał Wasilewski has held the position of President of the Management Board of M.W. Trade S.A.

As President of the Management Board, his responsibilities include overseeing the work of the Management Board members and senior department directors; chairing the Investment Committee of M.W. Trade S.A., which makes decisions regarding the selection and parametrization of investment projects undertaken by the company; developing and implementing the company’s strategy; and managing the Administration Department, IT support areas, and Investor Relations of the company.

From 2017 to 2022, Rafał Wasilewski was a member of the Supervisory Board of DATAWALK S.A. based in Wroclaw.

Independent member of the Supervisory Board.


Ireneusz Wąsowicz - Member of the Supervisory Board 

He graduated from the Wroclaw Academy of Economics (currently the Wroclaw University of Economics) in 1992 with a degree in Organization and Management. After completing his studies, he worked as an economic consultant at SJOS. Since 1997, he has been a co-owner and Member of the Management Board of Polski Towarzystwo Finansowe S.A. From 2003 to 2008, he was a co-founder, Vice President, and later President of the Management Board of Powszechny Dom Kredytowy S.A. From 2008 to 2011, he served as President of the Management Board of Fiolet PDK S.A. Since 2012, he has been a co-owner and Vice President of the Management Board of KMB Grupa Sp. z o.o. sp. kom.

Currently, he holds the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DB Energy S.A. (a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange) and a member of the Supervisory Board of S.A.

Independent member of the Supervisory Board.


Members of the Audit Committee


Piotr Bindas - Has knowledge and skills in accounting and auditing. Independent Audit Committee Member.

Grzegorz Dymek - Has knowledge of the industry in which DataWalk S.A. operates.

Rafał Wasilewski - independent Member of the Audit Committee.

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