Intelligence Analysis Software

Quickly generate actionable intelligence from vast amounts of disparate data across numerous sources.

Intelligence Analysis Software

Quickly generate actionable intelligence from vast amounts of disparate data across numerous sources.


Combine Your Data into a Single Database

DataWalk intelligence analysis software enables you to integrate your internal databases, spreadsheets, public records data, social media, and any other data source into a single database. Instead of being organized around systems or sources, this database is structured around relevant concepts such as people, crimes, accounts, and events. If needed, with DataWalk you can easily scale to vast amounts of data simply by adding additional servers to a DataWalk cluster.

Access All Your Data and Analytics from a Single Environment

With all of your data in one place and accessed via a simple web-based interface, both users in office environments and teams in the field can easily find the data they need and collaborate on investigations. Analysts can take advantage of a broad range of intelligence analysis software capabilities including visual querying, link analysis, geospatial analysis, text analysis, and much more. Fine-grained security ensures each user can only see the data you want them to see.

Apply in Range of Use Cases

DataWalk intelligence analysis software is applicable for a wide range of use cases across local, regional, and national organizations in law enforcement, national security, defense, and the private sector. Explore to learn more.

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