DataWalk Knowledge Graph

Easily organize and analyze your data with scalable knowledge graph software

Browse And Analyze Your Data Via A Knowledge Graph

The DataWalk Universe Viewer is knowledge graph software that provides a flexible, visual representation of all your data organized around understandable data sets and the cross-references between them. Through this powerful patented technology, vast amounts of disparate data can be quickly integrated for visualization and analysis.

For data in the knowledge graph, DataWalk supports entity resolution and embeds AI technology to automatically complete, clean, overwrite, fix and enrich data so that it can quickly be used for further analysis.

Easily Create And Execute No-code, Contextual Queries Via The DataWalk Knowledge Graph

The Universe Viewer knowledge graph software provides simple, powerful querying capabilities. You can easily generate queries simply by traversing and filtering data sets and their interconnections, and unique DataWalk technology helps ensure that even complex queries quickly complete. The DataWalk knowledge graph is an intuitive visual interface, and there’s no need for knowing SQL or any other programming language in order to generate and run queries. Breadcrumbs enable you to fully track and understand the query path, and queries can be instantly saved, shared, and reused by authorized users.

A Variety of Best-Of-Breed Analytical Techniques Via A Single Interface

Beyond visual querying, the Universe Viewer knowledge graph software provides a variety of advanced analytical toolsets and techniques including graph algorithms, link analysis, 360-degree summaries, and AI/machine learning.

With DataWalk you can easily identify the shortest paths between objects, identify organized networks (e.g., fraud rings), determine the distance between various groups of objects, and predict suspicious activities.

Furthermore, you can extract entities from text and translate content between hundreds of language pairs.

End-to-End Machine Learning

The Universe Viewer is a knowledge graph with machine learning facilities. DataWalk can be utilized as a machine learning platform where this knowledge graph foundation allows you to derive new insights and patterns from relationships within the data. With DataWalk you can access your knowledge graph via the Jupyter Notebook interface, or your models can be trained automatically via AutoML. Your models can then be deployed in production with just a single click.

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