DataWalk As A Sandbox
DataWalk provides a data sandbox / analytics sandbox where you can quickly explore your data and easily prototype analyses.
Easily Explore Your Data
DataWalk can be used as a data sandbox, where you can easily import, connect, visualize, explore, and analyze your data. In DataWalk this is assembled in a simple visual model - the DataWalk Universe Viewer, a flexible model where all your data is automatically re-organized around understandable entities such as people, transactions, accounts, and so forth. You can profile your data, transform it as needed, and visualize it in dashboards, histograms, link charts, and other facilities. With just a few clicks both data sets and their connections can easily be added, modified, or deleted.
Quickly Prototype Algorithms And Analyses
This same DataWalk environment can be used as an analytics sandbox. You can easily query your data via a visual interface simply by traversing the model and filtering data sets and connections. Unique DataWalk technology assures rapid completion of complex queries. It’s an ideal environment for rapidly prototyping queries (which can also be used as business rules), machine learning (including Auto-ML), NLP, link analysis, geospatial analysis, and more, all in a single fully-integrated platform.
Examples: Coronavirus
DataWalk customers have effectively utilized a sandbox approach in a variety of use cases. For example, as coronavirus emerged as a global threat, we worked with a national health agency who felt a great urgency to do something with data analysis, without knowing exactly what they could or should do given their available data and their rapidly changing needs. By using DataWalk as a data and analytics sandbox, they could first better understand their data and how it could be connected, experiment with the model, then test the types of analyses and results which could be generated. After confirming the value of the analyses they could execute, they then moved the environment into production.
Unique Flexibility Enabled By Unique Technology
What makes this all possible is DataWalk’s uniquely flexible technology. With DataWalk you can rapidly deploy; easily add new data sources; create and modify a logical data model (ontology); and execute a broad range of analytics.
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