Solutions for Insurance

Lower your false-positive rates, pinpoint high-risk areas, and accelerate triage and fraud investigations.

Solutions for Insurance

Lower your false-positive rates, pinpoint high-risk areas, and accelerate triage and fraud investigations.


Robust Insurance Solutions

Start with a 360-degree view of anything, then leverage full context and AI to find matches at scale, detect fraud, assess risk, and streamline investigations.


A Single View of Any Data Element

Get a simple view of key data on a customer, broker, or anything else on a single pane of glass. DataWalk enables you to rapidly connect various internal and external data sources and then view a context-rich profile of any entity, giving you a solid understanding of that entity and its connections. Easily dig deeper with just a few clicks to view the full network of connections or even all the available data on that entity. DataWalk Contextual Profile provides the benefits of a single view to underwriting, claims, investigations, and compliance teams.

Powerful Entity Resolution

Complementing Contextual Profile is DataWalk’s highly flexible Entity Resolution facility, which enables you to quickly identify matching records across all your data, providing a complete, accurate picture of your customer. Unlike conventional entity resolution, DataWalk Entity Resolution is entirely contextual and leverages the power of inferencing and AI to resolve entities of any kind. The result is better onboarding decisions, ensuring that you generate appropriate rates for each customer.

Detect Frauds With Extreme Accuracy

Automatically identify and analyze organized crime groups, more accurately identify fraudulent claims, and dramatically reduce your false positive rates. DataWalk integrates your structured and unstructured data, then gives you context-rich insights into it all. Through an intuitive interface, you can quickly generate and optimize claim scores, based on a combination of expert rules, graph algorithms, neural networks, AI, graph embeddings, and other advanced technologies. All scores and rules are transparent and provide you with complete control to tune them on the fly and reduce your rate of false positives to as low as 10%.

Accelerate Or Even Eliminate Triage

Supercharge your triage efficiency and accuracy. With DataWalk you can instantly see the components of a high-risk score and automatically route the claim for further scrutiny or investigation. Achieve an impressive 90% accuracy rate, enabling you to potentially even eliminate triage. DataWalk's unique Contextual Profile provides a comprehensive view of the most pertinent data on a single pane of glass. This empowers you to quickly make informed decisions, whether related to claims, suspicious activities, or anything else.

Efficient Fraud Investigations

Drawing from extensive LEA and Intelligence experience, DataWalk equips SIU analysts to take on holistic investigations within an innovative investigation sandbox. DataWalk seamlessly integrates essential data without the need for initial preparation, while automation and AI-driven tools, including NLP, enhance analytical precision. With a powerful link analysis capability, analysts can find hidden connections, and identify patterns - such as organized crime networks - with heightened clarity.

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